15 January 2015

just stopping by….

I swear I was never going to be one of those people….you know the ones that have a blog but never update it.  Never write, or call home (ha).  But truly, I know with two kids life gets busier but man time truly does fly by and I cannot believe its been 6 months since I posted on here.  I had grand plans after my Paris trip of posting our trip in detail and my thoughts on our first big getaway after 2 kids.  Got two days into that and never completed it.  Lets just say life gets busy and not always in dramatic or concrete ways….just the regular business of life.  Two kids, two dogs, managing a house and helping my husband with his business all while trying to do a few things for myself keeps me pretty darn busy.  We transitioned our business from a sole prop to an LLC which may not seem like a lot to anyone reading this but it means a lot of paperwork and a lot of double paperwork in the crossover time.  For the first time last year we hired employees for Abe's business which was a huge learning curve and made for a lot more paperwork to keep track of.  I took a Spanish class last fall for fun and after 2 years finally returned to the gym lifting weights!  This has been a personal goal of mine since I was promoted at work and didn't have time to work out.  It feels so good to be back and have some time to myself to just get my body healthy.  The holidays have already come and gone, Miss Elodie turned 2 (I really should post that here….maybe soon) and 2015 has come flying into the present.  While I haven't made any new years resolutions per say, I have set a few goals for myself.  1: make one apple pie a month from my new apple pie cook book (January was an apple/raspberry pie) (I'm scheming on the apple pie with bread pudding recipe for February); 2: eat 30 days vegetarian for the month of January….try to eat more vegetables and just lay off the meat for a bit…..I like this small chunks goal thing, perhaps I will choose something for February but that will remain to be seen.  In general I feel mentally tired at the end of the day so I often flop onto the couch and watch some boob tube with my hubby snuggled under a blanket until we fall asleep.  More on life, random thoughts and hopefully updating my blog more often :)

Hoping this new year is off to a good start for you friends.

Just a quick flashback here to 2 years ago (when Miss Elodie was a few days old and Aven was still 2)….see, I told you time flies!!

1 comment:

Yahoo customer service number said...

Very interesting post and also a cute picture.Thanks for share.I like it.