THE YUMMY: This week is one of the many weeks that I've enjoyed a free-range whole chicken. My new oven cooks like a charm and the wonderful smells and tastes of this easy recipe are definitely worth the 2 hours wait.
Recipe: Cut lemon in half, squeeze juice over the whole chicken already placed in a baking/roasting pan. Afterward, place the 2 halves of the lemon inside the body of the chicken along with fresh sprigs of rosemary, thyme and 4 crushed cloves of garlic. Next cut small potatoes in half and place around the chicken along with your choice of vegetables. I enjoy using onions cut into large chunks as well as carrots and green beans (they get kind of crunchy and sweet....yum!). Next take a few tablespoons of butter and rub all over the chicken. Afterwards baste the vegetables with a little olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes and then at 375 for 1 to 1 1/2 hours depending on how large your bird is. Pull chicken's legs in their sockets. If the legs move easily and the top of the chicken is browned fully, go ahead and let cool in the oven with the door open for about 15 minutes and carve.
THE CUTE: My poor little puppy Ethel has had so many skin issues since we got her over one year ago. She has taken numerous trips to the vet every few weeks. She still wags her tail when we go there the little cutie! This is just a tribute to her fighting spirit and easygoing nature. She takes everything in stride and is still as loving as playful as ever.
THE UGLY: This week the gorgeous maple tree that has so faithfully blocked shade, stood by our house and dispersed lovely shades of leaves was taken down. The house next to us is going to be demolished and the tree came down first. It is never a good feeling to see a healthy beautiful thing being cut down, limb by limb. It was a sad day. It also marked the beginning of a sad project. The demolition of a historic house to put up a triplex. It is sad that not everyone can see the beauty in a building beyond their own pocketbook. If you get the chance. Drive by 506 Potter street in Bellingham Washington. This house isn't what it
could be but it is still here. Pay your homage and say a prayer.
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