Sunday: Left Bellingham, took the Port Townsend Ferry, mosied our way down 101 and stayed in Potlatch (froze our rear ends off).
Monday: Drove north a mile or two to Hoodsport, enjoyed local coffee shop's charm and brew. Drove south and stopped at some Antique shops. Abe bought a neat old tool for $10. We found a campground at Ocean Shores and settled in. The dogs absolutely loved the beach and we stayed a bit warmer on night 2.
Tuesday: Drove east a bit to go back through Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Enjoyed another beautiful day. Went south again on 101 and stopped for night three at Fort Canby/Cape Disappointment (across the water from Astoria). Eleanor chased a raccoon at the campsight and we got a few small raindrops on our tent in the morning.
Wednesday: We enjoyed a view of Cape Disappointment and a lighthouse near the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center (which apparently is a new name for museum). The dogs enjoyed a small hike and some beach time. We drove a few miles north to Ilwaco for breakfast at a charming little cafe with to die for homemade applesauce. Then we drove a few miles north, again, for a little antique browsing. South again on 101 to Astoria (a short day's drive). We stayed at Fort Stevens outside of Astoria after climbing the Column and enjoying a beautiful day's view over the water. The girls spent a long time running along a nearly deserted beach and meeting another canine friend: Rose.
Thursday: We packed up early, took the pooches to the beach for the last time and enjoyed unlimited free warm showers before heading out to Portland. A gorgeous day at about 75 degrees, we took the dogs on a long walk and lots of playtime at a local school. We read and lounged in the warm weather. We barbequed yummy food for dinner and stayed up talking to my brother and his wife.
Friday: We woke up early to crepes and coffee (homemade by my brother). We lounged around and then took the doggies to a local dog park and enjoyed more beautiful sun. We antiqued in Sellwood in Portland and then enjoyed dinner and a movie at McMenamin's Kennedy School. After heading back to their pad, my brother and I went on a walk with the dogs and I watched a few episodes of Season 2 of Scrubs before turning in for the night.
Saturday: The only day with rain, we headed back up 1-5 and arrived home in time to do laundry, dishes and clean up after our relaxing vacation.
Wow, what a wonderful spring break. The weather was lovely, the food was yummy and not too hard to make, the dogs loved the beach and I loved sleeping in and only filling up with gas once!

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