It is truly incredible to me that my little baby girl, the girl that made me a mama is now four. Not that four is "old" per say but that my life as I had known it has so dramatically changed and shifted in the last four years. These years have been packed with so many memories, photos, emotions, moments, laughter, frustrations, joy, silliness, amazement and wonder. When I think of all of these things, four years seems like a lifetime, 1460 days you've been in my life my little flower girl, 35,040 hours that we've spent living in this house together as a family, 2,102, 400 minutes of life. A full robust and pulsing life.
You are your own little person. My wild, strong willed, independent, intelligent, outgoing little flower child. It is a pleasure getting to watch you grow and change and to see you begin to understand God, life, nature, language, beauty, technology, and math. It is amazing the way you observe, ask questions, use your senses to their fullest, incorporate new information and generally expand your knowledge as you grow. Here is (to no perfect end) a summary of where you are at on all things Aven.
- Your favorite things: sweets (treats), dutch baby pancakes with lemon and "sugar powder," candy, chocolate, your dollies and babies, your blankets, books and reading and dance parties, spending time with your friends, walking and lounging outside, snuggling with Daddy to watch cartoons, visiting the library, pizza, ice cream, dresses and twirling skirts, using your imagination, beans & rice, cereal, peanut butter, organizing objects, animals, being a mama.
- You are learning about: letter recognition, picture stories (yellow book curriculum), shapes, drawing/writing your letters, counting your numbers (up from 30+), addition, baking, dinosaurs, ecosystems, Jesus' death on the cross and his resurrection, God's unconditional love for us, plants, making safe choices, how to be a big sister, consequences, some Spanish words and phrases and the world around you!
- You amaze me: today you said: "Mama, five plus three plus two is 10." You picked up on the word "distinctive" when we were reading book about Mangroves. You asked for crepes for dinner for your fourth birthday. You reached out your hand (yesterday) to a perfect stranger (the age of your great grandmother) and asked: "what is your name?" When the stranger replied she put her soft hand down and grabbed yours and relied with the same question and you smiled, held her hand and said your own name. You stopped eating your breakfast today, got up from the table and shook your hips back and forth to the music. You love to dance! You are not afraid of talking or meeting anyone or going anywhere. You are so outgoing, not shy and not afraid of new situations. It is so refreshing. You seem to love, above all things, books. To you, being spoiled would probably be getting read books to all day and then getting an ice cream cone. You amaze me that we took a road trip totaling about 650 miles and you only wanted to use your leap pad for about 20 minutes total! You have a fantastic memory for details ands stories.
My little sweet tooth, first Easter egg hung at home. |
Her hands are looking so big. |
Learning about drawing people. She's gone from scribbles to shapes in a matter of months. It is so neat to see her skills progressing and really blossoming. |
She's ex-static :) |
Daddy's girl, loves adventure and always sporting her dress or skirt.
My little girl, you challenge me, amaze me and surprise me every day. I love you more than I ever thought I could and I am so honored and thankful to be your Mama. We love you, my big girl. Happy 4 sweet pea.